the Maine coast!
Your Captains

Captains Sean Grimes and Ben Welzenbach have 14 years experience between the two of them sailing the mid-coast Maine waters aboard the schooner HERITAGE.

Capt. Ben Welzenbach was born and raised in the Chicagoland area. After growing up in an artistic family and studying music in college, he fell in love with the Schooner Heritage and the Coast of Maine after sailing with previous owners, Capts. Doug & Linda Lee in 2013 as a guest. He served as Mate aboard the Heritage for seven years before takin over operations of the vessel. In addition to sailing and maintaining the schooner's systems, he has been known to pull out his guitar for lively music evenings on deck. He always looks forward to sharing his passion for traditional sailing with the many guest that sail aboard the Schooner Heritage.
Photo: Frank Chillemi
Capt. Sean Grimes has lived many places but his favorite and the place he calls home is Maine. He served as chef for seven years aboard the Schooner Heritage before purchasing the vessel in 2020. He has also sailed up and down the eastern seaboard aboard the square-topsail schooner Lynx for four years to the Bahamas, Cuba, and Texas on the Gulf Coast. Sean enjoys playing guitar in his free time, as well as going sailing. He has been cooking professionally since 2000 and has always found inspiration from the sea. His passion for sailing, food, music, and hosting make for an unforgettable experience aboard the Schooner Heritage.